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Voluntaryist Academy!

What is Voluntaryism?

Voluntaryism is the social philosophy that all forms of human association should be voluntary and based on the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP) that posits that any initiation of violence on peaceful people is illegitimate, no matter what the outcome, but allows for the use of force in self-defense or to protect property, i.e. The proposition that interactions in which both parties consent are universally preferable to interactions in which on party coerces the other.

Voluntaryism is the moral position which maintains that no peaceful person can justly be submitted to the control of others, in the absence of his or her own consent.

The Non-Aggression Principle

The NAP is an ethical and moral principle that asserts that aggression is inherently immoral and illegitimate. Aggression is defined as the “initiation” of physical force against persons or property, the threat of such, or fraud upon persons or their property.

In contrast to pacifism, the NAP does not prohibit self-defense.

The fact that “governments” and their hired mercenaries (military and police) routinely violate the NAP proves that they are immoral and their “authority” is illegitimate.

So, what is Voluntaryist Academy?

Voluntaryism leads to REAL Freedom! All other political philosophies allow a ruling class to engage in violence and coercion against the majority. Voluntaryists reject the artificially indoctrinated belief system of Statism in favor of true Freedom through the voluntary interactions between free people.

Voluntaryism is the most moral and principled of all political systems (if you can even call it one). It recognizes Natural Law vs. frequently immoral and illogical Government law (political scribbles) and honors the NAP.

Voluntaryist Academy will teach all things regarding the only “ISM” that is fair for everyone. While you are here, you can find all the resources necessary to understand this philosophy of consent. From books and articles, to essays and podcasts, Voluntaryist Academy will provide you with everything you need. Voluntaryist Academy is for everyone and anyone!

If you are here for the official Voluntaryist Academy Podcast, please begin at episode 1. This is to guarantee that you do not miss anything! Of course, if you choose to not do that, well, that just your choice! Thanks for coming anyway!

If you desire to learn more about Voluntaryism, then you are in the right place!

Spooner illustrated by Sara Cross

Spooner knows what the solution is!

Meet Spooner, the official mascot of Voluntaryist Academy.

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Background Photography by Sean McCann